Our lodge events include stated lodge meetings, charitable fundraisers, community service, and many more activities. Although it's understood that our members have busy schedules, the more participants available for these events, the better we can serve.
Stated meetings occur on the third Tuesday of each month with the exception of July and August. Dinner precedes stated meetings, beginning at 6:30pm and meetings beginning at 7:30pm. All are welcome to attend dinner.
Below is a detailed list of upcoming and past events involving our lodge.
Upcoming Events
Stated Meeting
Sept. 17th
Refreshment: 6:30pm
Special Communication
"A Free Mason Composed of the Materials of his Lodge"
Credited to J. Coles, of Salem, MA
Special Guests
Click this link to download our full schedule of events
Past Events
On May 21st, members from Concordia Lodge No. 249 and Oriental Lodge No. 74 visited us and exchanged the Traveling 8 Ball for the Grand Master's Gavel!
On April 23rd, Mr. Nick Bowater was officially initiated as an Apprentice of Spokane Lodge No. 34.
On March the 19th, Most Worshipful Brother Steve Martin, Grand Master of Masons in Washington visited our Lodge.
On September 19th, Lilac Assembly No. 157 of the Rainbow for Girls visited our Lodge and gave the Puzzle Presentation.
On May 16, the University High School Lirico Choir performed for the benefit of the Lodge, our guests, and the enrichment of our community.